In a way they played a vanguard role.
In a way they played a vanguard role.
He is spearheading the peace movement.
He contributed to the avant-garde review Martin Fierro, and co-founded the journal Proa (1924-26).
After World War I the Borges family lived in Spain, where he was a member of avant-garde Ultraist literary group.
Halosere A plant community in a succession that starts on land periodically inundated by the sea. Haloseres include salt-and flooding-tolerant pioneer communities on mudflats and saltmarshes.
Hippophae rhamnoides L.subsp.sinensis is a heliophyte tree,so that some scholars consider it as a pioneer population,but others regard that the tree regenerate well in natural conditions.
To be on the top level in the industry is the working goal for us.We will provide much more high quality products,will cerate an even refulgent tomorrow.
争创行业的先锋, 始终是我们奋斗的主题,拿出更优更更多的产品,创造国通更辉煌的明天。
In this study a series of different maturation degree coals are yielded by thermally treating a lowgrade lignite, and are used as the sorbents for sorption equilibrium study of phenanthrene.
Earlier Dr Ferrell spearheaded a DARPA initiative to create a tiny chip that would fit into a person's ear and monitor vital signs such as body temperature, pulse and blood pressure.