Short-limbed wall (SLW) is an intergradation of structure style between erose-section-column frame and conventional shear wall structure.
Short-limbed wall (SLW) is an intergradation of structure style between erose-section-column frame and conventional shear wall structure.
The I type shear blocks dowelled bidirectional hollow plates (I SBDBHPs) are the most widely used.
Lastly, by using the FORTRAN language, the thesis compiles the program of the stiffness optimization process of short-leg shear wall-corewall structure.
Disposing welding section steel cross bridging in the slab-column system is a good means to avoid disposing abaci and elevating shear resistance.
This paper introduces calculation of bolt connectin supported by eccentric sheal force on the basis of ultimate strength and compares ultimate strength method with elastic method.
介绍了按极限强度法计算受偏心剪的普通螺栓连接计算方法 ,通过算例比较了按极限强度法和按目前工程设计中常的弹性法计算的差别。
Using the software of ANSYS, it was carried out nonlinear finite element analysis upon the basic behavior of high-strength concrete shear wall subjected to monodirectional lateral load.
Reaserch of the state-of-the-art on dual system consider shear wall structure as a flexural type cantalever and consider frame structure as a shear type cantalever, ignoring the shear.