The treatment group was given nebulizations of ventolin oxygen inbreathe.
The treatment group was given nebulizations of ventolin oxygen inbreathe.
He did not have inspiratory whoop or post-tussive syncope or vomiting.
A piezoelectrically actuated microjet is used for inhalation drug therapy (IDT).
If workmen breathed in the fine paint spray, their lungs would be damaged.
如果工人吸入这种细微的喷漆, 他们的部就会受到损伤。
If men breathed in the fine paint spray, their lungs would be damaged.
如果人们吸入这种细微的漆雾, 他们的部就会受到损伤。
Sidestream smoke contains essentially the same compounds as does smoke inhaled by the smoker.
Do you inhale when you smoke?
Not if she inhaled it.Chopping the meat with the cleaver could easily aerosolize the bacteria.
|如果她吸入的话就不会这样. 用刀切肉的时候会传播细菌.
Conclusion:Early diagnoses,early processes,may enhance the specific weight imbedibility damage curing rate.
Conclusion: Early diagnoses,the industrious observation,early processes may enhance the curing rate of the imbedibility.
Conclusion The nebulizations of ventolin oxygen inbreathe is one of the best ways of curing acute exacerbations of COPD.
Behavior: Inhalation of finely powdered Be compounds can lead to berylliosis, a painful and sometimes fatal disease.
Septicaemic plague occurs when infection spreads directly through the bloodstream, while the pneumonic form is the most virulent but least common.
It is studied with a focus on the harm of the composition of the aspiratory particles,aerosol state,grain size,concentration to human health.
Objective Using accurate monitoring,and high precision anesthetic machine and vapourizer,and guided with a simple mathematics formula to implement low-flow inhaled anesthetic techniques.
The order of preference of inhalant anesthetics for euthanasia is halothane, enflurane, isoflurane, sevoflurane, methoxyflurane, and desflurane, with or without nitrous oxide.
Agitation of patients with general anaesthesia during analepsia period is very dangerous,of which inhalation anesthesia maybe its main cause among many causative factors.
Conclusion To combine the TCO of righting the invigorating blood circulation and detoxifcation with indraft to treat children's vine pneumonia is a effective method.
Many countries have limited or banned the use of asbestos because of fears that its fibres cause diseases such as lung cancer if inhaled.
Abstract: Objective Using accurate monitoring, and high precision anesthetic machine and vapourizer, and guided with a simple mathematics formula to implement low-flow inhaled anesthetic techniques.
摘 要: 目的依据简单的数学公式和应用高精度的麻醉机和挥发罐,在监测下实施低流量吸入麻醉的方法。