F. bandwidth, AF gain, BF0 pitch, fast or normal AVC, manual RF gain, and Drake's highly effective series gate noise blanker.
F. bandwidth, AF gain, BF0 pitch, fast or normal AVC, manual RF gain, and Drake's highly effective series gate noise blanker.
The numerical results show that the lasing threshold of an eigenmode depends on the EGDF, different eigenmode has different value of EGDF.
The results of four fixed beam investigations show capacity gains of more than 3 times in cell ranges where mostly the intracell interference is the limiting factor.
The film has good photobehavior in the range from near ultraviolet to visible light, and it has high photosensitivity, high photoconductive gain and high linear illumination performance.
The gain characteristics of the collective free electron laser operating in a superradiant amplifier have been studied through the variation of the interaction length and pumping magnetic field.
In Vector Mode, the VM700T becomes a digital vectorscope with an electronic graticule.The "Color Bar Search" feature makes it easy to quickly display a line containing a color bar test signal.