A new age dawned with the invention of the radio.
随着线电的发明, 一个新时代开始了。
A new age dawned with the invention of the radio.
随着线电的发明, 一个新时代开始了。
Can you get Radio Beijing on your wireless?
This radio signal has a frequency of 800000 cycles per second.
The timer must have been actuated by radio control.
In the chapter 2 of this thesis, we will present an analog solution for wireless biotelemetry.
Traditional rate control algorithm is not fit to be used in transcoder in wireless environment.
The inexperienced pilot flew the plane badly; it was off the beam most of the time.
位没有经验的飞行员驾驶技, 飞机大部分时间都偏离了线电讯号指示的航道。
The new kid on the radio block is ultrawideband, also known as UWB or digital pulse wireless.
The team also has exclusive responsibility for PMC's Unwired Network and is part of the company-wide PMC Sports sales effort.
The benefits of movability in wireless communication and high capacity in optical communication are combined in optical wireless system technology.
Second, the paper discusses how to create the transmission mode and how to emendate it to adapt Xi’an network operation environment.
The main aspect that makes wireless security different than security of wired networks is the uncontrollability of physical access due to transmission of data with radio waves.
This article introduces the choice of the wireless location system , including the location system based on the mobile station and the network ,and the location system of commixture .
An L-band safety remote control system is introduced which is composed of three stations and one center in order to increase coverage and overcome the limit of earth curvature to intervisibility.