Also, as our sun orbits the galactic center it may sweep through areas of interstellar dustiness.
Also, as our sun orbits the galactic center it may sweep through areas of interstellar dustiness.
A Trekkie. He's a serious “Star Trek” fan.
Dark patches in the Milky Way are really clouds of dust cutting out the light from the stars.The most famous one is called "The Coalsack".
They also carried automated laser cannon turrets programmed to attack inceptor starfighters, along with armor plating and advanced shields that defended against both turbolasers and ion cannons.
Basing on introducing biological rhythms,especially the space biological rhythms,the paper gives an idea to develop the space chronobiology according to the needs of manned space flight in the fut.
As the palace collapsed, and as Xizor died high in orbit under the guns of Vader's Super Star Destroyer, Guri escaped in a parawing glider and reclaimed her vessel.