Can you say that dolphins are much more intelligent than other animals?
Can you say that dolphins are much more intelligent than other animals?
The advert featured a dolphin swimming around a goldfish bowl.
Shemsen breached like a shark-chased dolphin and gulped air like a drowning lubber.
The unicorns of the sea, Monodon monoceros are members of the order Cetacea, along with whales, dolphins and porpoises.
As the turtle swims across the oceanarium,the first porpoise swoops down from above and butts his shell with his belly.
BENJI AT MARINELAND follows the emotive pup underwater as he communes with barracudas, dolphins, fish, and assorted other sea friends.
New methods of setting nets have reduced the bycatch of dolphins but not of other species, such as billfish, turtles and sharks.
Possessing a five-octave vocal range, Carey has been noted for her frequent use of melisma in her singing style and her capabilities in the whistle register.
In 1996, for example, Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Panama, Vanuatu and Venezuela were all under American embargo for beastliness to whales or dolphins.
Mussa Aboud Jumbe, Zanzibar's director of fisheries, went on state radio to warn the public against eating the dolphin meat, saying the cause of death had not been determined.
"Ele, o Boto" is based on an old legend of a Water Sprite who takes on form of Amazon river dolphin.He only takes on his humanoid form when he wants a mate.
海男人 Ele, O Boto剧情简介: 根据巴西作家Lima Barreto同名魔幻现实主义小说改编而成,讲一个由海变成男人与渔村少女爱情。