5.Li of marvellous ocean living things: Do Ascidian sea lily , you know several?
6."blazing star:a rhizomatous dioecious herb (Chamaelirium luteum) in the lily family, having long racemes of small flowers."
7.It is easily detected, that they are simple wild flowers, weed, even cannabis, if not memorial wreaths from Sachsen-Hausen or withering lilies.
8.The results provided the detail,cytological evidence that organelles in the microgametophyte are incapable of genetic transmission in the two species of Lilium.
9.The compatibility of selfpollination and crosses between cultivars in the same hybrid group or in different hybrid groups was studied in this paper.
10.Abstract: The compatibility of selfpollination and crosses between cultivars in the same hybrid group or in different hybrid groups was studied in this paper.
11.A threadbare patch of Brussels carpet covered the centre of the room, and formed an oasis of roses and lilies upon a desert of faded green drugget.
12.Citronellyl oxyacetaldehyde with thick and intense rose and lily note is widely used for waking up floral essences and a extremely precious synthetic perfume with wide applied perspective.
13.And the laver was a handbreadth thick: and the brim thereof was like the brim of a cup, or the leaf of a crisped lily: it contained two thousand bates.