1.Coagulated blood could be apparently dissolved by complex dribbing-pill of ...
2.To summarize 7 patients undergoing pulmonary thromboendarterectomy( PTE) in Peking Union hospital and Chaoyang hospital.
3.To evaluate the value of color Doppler ultrasound to muscular veniplex thrombosis of calf.
4.Objective To explore the Medicine method and nurse of thrombo angitis obliterans gangrene.
5.The left ventriculogram demonstrated akinesia of anterolateral and apical segments with apical thrombus formation.
6.And the endothelin (ET) and thromboxane B2(TXB2) were measured by radioimmunological assay.
7.Objective: To investigate the ghrombolytic effect of recombinant staphylokinase on caroid artery thrombus in rabbits.
8.Objective To reduce the patients incidence of deep venous thrombosis after extremitas inferior trauma and operation.
9.She had no previous abdominal surgery, and had normal full laboratory workup, including inflammatory markers, clotting analyses, and thrombophilia screen.
10.Moreover, increased breakdown of arachidonic acid results in increased production of proinflammatory lipid mediators like prosta glandines, thromboxanes and leukotrienes.
11.The small pink vegetation on the rightmost cusp margin represents the typical finding with non-bacterial thrombotic endocarditis (or so-called "marantic endocarditis").
12.Objective: To study on the effect of normal saline and heparin dilution to prevent phlebothrombosis for patients after PICC tube indwelling.
13.In addition, our data suggest that norpregnane deriaties may be thrombogenic, whereas micronized progesterone and pregnane deriaties appear safe with respect to thrombotic risk.
14.IMPLICATIONS: Based on the available data in the peer-reviewed literature, the predictive accuracy of thromboelastography (TEG) for postoperative thromboembolic events is highly variable.
15.Conclusion: The early use of salivia miltiorrhia, low molecular dextrar and dipyridamole can effectively prevent and treat the portal thrombosis after portal-azygous disconnection.
16.The mechanism of endovenous thrombus formation induced by laser irradiation is different from thromboplastic phlebitis, thus endovenous thrombus formation doesn't affect whole body cruor function.
17.Alternatively, initially perform a TEE, and if no thrombus is present, cardiovert and therapeutically anticoagulate for a minimum of 4-6 weeks after sinus rhythm is restored.
18.It was showed that APTT and CT in the presence of LALP were markedly prolonged,the formation of venous thrombosis was obviously preven ted without any hemolyzation.
19.There were 13 cases of arteriosclerosis obliterans, 11 cases of diabetic extremital gangrene, 5 cases of thromboangiitis obliterans, and 3 cases of arterious embolism of lower extremities.
20.Deep phlebothrombosis was found in 6 of the 10 cases who were performed color Doppler ultrasonography on the lower extremity while valve dysfunction was found in one case.