A cymose inflorescence in which each axis produces two opposite or subopposite lateral axes.
二歧聚伞花序 Dichasium 每个花分为两条相对或近相对侧轴聚伞花序。
A cymose inflorescence in which each axis produces two opposite or subopposite lateral axes.
二歧聚伞花序 Dichasium 每个花分为两条相对或近相对侧轴聚伞花序。
A wheel revolves round its axis.
Unclamp the shaft from the vise and slide off the top bearing.
However,the point of setscrew may cause damage to the shaft and may be difficult to remove.
The tangent, binormal, and normal attributes represent the coordinate axes of the tangent space surrounding each vertex.
A technique for estimation of gyro installation error s in gimbaled INS was presented based on the oscillation around gyro input axis.
Rotational alignment of the trochlear component parallel to the epicondylar axis optimizes patellar tracking.25,26 Palpation of the epicondyles is difficult, particularly when using smaller incisions.
Monomotor bogies , where both axles of the bogie are driven by a single motor , often encounter torsional resonances, which lead to periodic longitudinal slip.