1.This is a new program that creates GIF images on the fly.
1." Burfday gif', Mist' Rhett" ! she said.
" 你大喜了,瑞德先生!" 她说。
2.In gifs.com which they generate the gifs automatically, making them easy to share on social media.
3.And I just needed to gif my way through that.
4.He adds a GIF of a person pouring coffee on the ground for effect.
他添加了一个人把咖啡倒在地上的 GIF 效果。
5.Someone posted a GIF of a walrus, and Musk replied: " Yup, that's me."
6.You replied $8,000, followed by a gratuitous gif of a guy getting hit in the nards.
7.You haven't even seen my animated gifs.
Keiko:你甚至还没有看过我的动画 gif。机翻
8.So I, yeah, I started making these little gifs.
9.It can point to a GIF or even a song.
它可以指向一个 GIF 甚至一首。机翻
10.And the people who made these gifs are godless lying savages.
11.The word (gif) is actually an acronym.
12.It was the first gif that I uploaded.
- 这是我上传的第一个 gif 动图。机翻
13.It takes, like, two minutes for Netscape to load a website with a GIF on it.
Netscape 加载一个带有 GIF 的网站大约需要两。机翻
14.I don't want to create a gif factory here.
我不想在这里创建 gif 工厂。机翻
15.I just hope they don't turn this into a gif.
- 我只是希望他们不要把它变成 gif。机翻
16.Can it be explained as a gif?
- 可以用gif来解释吗?机翻
17.At its most basic level, a GIF is simply an image file.
在最基本的层面上, GIF 只是一个图像件。机翻
18.I only did it because they could be translated into a gif.
我这样做只是因为它们可以被翻译成 gif。机翻
19.And the gifs only got bigger from there.
- 从那时起,GIF 只会变得更大。机翻
20.You know, when you text your mate or they text you a funny gif, and you just write back " I'm dead" .