2.My hopes rose high and methought my evil days were at an end, and I stood waiting for alms to be given unasked and for wealth scattered on all sides in the dust.
16.On reaching the porch they also stopped, distributing alms. One of the beggars, with a red, cicatrized slough instead of a nose, approached Katiousha.
17.Grandmother Stannik held a very exalted position there. The city had granted her permission to sit at the door of the church with her hand held out for alms. Beggar?
18.Two days after there came by a travelling fiddler, who began to play under the window and beg alms; and when the king heard him, he said, 'Let him come in'.
19.My mother spoke very little about her father. I only knew that as soon as he had the opportunity, my grandfather sent my mother to a private school somewhere up in the Swiss alms.
20.Most Thais pay their respects on the first day of the three-day Songkran water festival, and for the rest of the time after they've done their respects and alms, well, it's time to party.