1.The terpolymerization of propylene oxide (PO) and cyclohexene oxide (CHO) with carbon dioxide (CO2) was investigated.
2.The electronic image co titutes in Bianco-Valente videos a kind of cerebral exte ion, the po ibility of a bodily dematerialization.
1.I wanted to be near you when the baby po... Aah!
2." Professor—Professor, don't you want to taste my po— ? " called Harry desperately.
3.It begins… " I'm just a PO number."
“我只是一个 PO 号码。”
4.Don't you call Abel Wynder 'po' white.'
" 说这话,看我剥的皮!" 斯图尔特厉声喊:" 么能叫艾布尔·温德'穷白人'呢。
5.Local specialties like gumbo, po' boys, and praline are available everywhere.
您能在任何地方品尝到当地美, 例如秋葵汤饭、生蚝三文治和果仁糖等。
6.We have a PO box, and then those are delivered to us by an armored car service.
7.I have a PO box on patreon another patreon shout out.
我在 patreon 上有一个邮政信箱,另一个 patreon 大声喊出来。机翻
8.Find the bird, fnd the bird! Hi hi Po nt!
找鸟 找鸟! 这儿!
9.And I had to close the PO box because I can't have anymore stuff.
我不得不关闭邮政信箱, 因为我不能再有东西了。机翻
10.Turns out their address is a PO box in the Caribbean.
11.Wus a po man: whar he now, O sistuhn?
Wus a po man: O sistuhn 他现在么样了?机翻
12.Oh, that was the last time I ever ordered an octopus po' boy.
喔 那是我最后一次点章鱼三明治。
13.A three syllable word with middle syllable stress, a true T there, po—ten—potential. Potential. It's an adjective, capable of being real, possible.
一个三个音节的词,中间音节重音,那里是一个实音 T,po-ten-potential。潜力。这是一个形容词,能够成为现实,有可能。
14." I like to know whut's de hurt in lettin dat po chile see her own baby, " Dilsey says.
“我想知让智利人看到自己的孩子有什么伤害, ” 迪尔西说。机翻
15." You young Misses ought ter tek shame, leavin' po' Miss Pitty 'lone, wid half her frens daid an' de other half in Macom, an' 'Lanta full of Yankee sojers an' trashy free issue niggers" .
她们正强忍着笑呢。" 们年轻小姐们应当感到羞耻,把可怜的皮蒂小姐单独丢在那里。