14.The Gunners striker lit the blue touchpaper ahead of Sunday's grudge match by claiming Arsene Wenger's expertise is more important than Roman Abramovich's cash.
15.Quasinodo, the bell striker naturally macrocephalic and accepted by Notre Dame de Paris, Frollo, coadjutor and Phoebus, the leader of housecarl, they let themselves go to beautiful Esmeralda.
16.After totting up as many assists as he has goals in recent seasons, the versatile striker has come in for criticism from the media for not being selfish enough.
17.Pozzo is prepared to do business, if Roma are willing to include in their cash offer striker Mirko Vucinic and young players Valerio Virga, Gianluca Freddi and Gianluca Curci.
18.Leggo says Lotito is aiming to revive Lazio for the new season with a raft of Argentine signings, including Boca striker Rodrigo Palacio, River Plate goalkeeper Juan Pablo Carrizo and Riquelme.