1.There was an angry weal there, like a scorch mark.
2.His back was horizontally streaked with crimson, and from weal to weal ran thin trickles of blood.
3.Now let us consider this weal which extends round the right shoulder.
4.Once she struck him with a stick and left a great weal on his arm.
有一次她用棍子打他, 在他胳膊上下了一个很大伤疤。机翻
5.There are similar indications in this other weal down here.
6.I always thought that was strange, because the origin of the word wealth comes from the Germanic weal, or health.
我一直认为这是奇怪是,因为“财富” 这个词起源来自日耳曼语“weal”或“health” 。机翻
7.It was debated whether or no, with safety to the common weal, yonder scarlet letter might be taken off your bosom.
8.Imitation is not aimed at the superior part of the soul that can withstand weal and woe through cool rational control.
9.The instrument with which this punishment had been inflicted was clearly flexible, for the long, angry weals curved round his shoulders and ribs.
施以这种惩罚工具显然是灵活, 因为他肩膀和肋骨上缠绕着长长、愤怒伤口。机翻
10.Firestar recognized his friend Onewhisker, a long weal showing red along one flank, and Morningflower, her eyes cold with longing to avenge the death of her son.
11.Four little chests all in a row, Dim with dust, and worn by time, Four women, taught by weal and woe To love and labor in their prime.
四个小箱子排成一排, 灰蒙蒙,被时间磨损了, 四个女人,在幸福和痛苦中学会了在她们青春期去爱和劳动。机翻