Phycological Research is the quarterly official journal of the Japanese Society of Phycology.It published by the Japanese Society of Phycology and complements the Japanese Journal of Phycology.
A 1981 review in the journal The Psychoanalytic Quarterly suggested that gaslighting might be a way people project conflicts or emotions like anxiety onto another person.
A few years earlier he had started the Republic, a quarterly magazine of ideas and analysis, and now his readers wanted to discuss the movement that was swelling around them.
The idea, as we set out in our Technology Quarterly, is to manipulate biological processes associated with ageing that, when dampened in laboratory animals, seem to extend their lives.
The fateful year 1870 was near at hand, which was to mark the close of the literary epoch, when quarterlies gave way to monthlies; letter-press to illustration; volumes to pages.
Her method of teaching was to ask the printed questions from the quarterly and look sternly over its edge at the particular little girl she thought ought to answer the question.
By comparison " The Rate of Return on Everything" , an oft-cited study published in the Quarterly Journal of Economicsin 2019, puts the net returns on British housing at 4.7% over the same period.
The literary standard of the two Quarterlies was not so high as to suggest that the article was illiterate beyond the power of an active and willing editor to redeem it.
He gladly set down Reeve's refusal of the Gold Conspiracy to respectability and editorial law, but when he sent the manuscript on to the Quarterly, the editor of the Quarterly also refused it.
" I thought the Times Lit. Sup. was splendid. It would have done the old man good to read it. I hear that the quarterlies are going to have articles in their next numbers" .