This is the first stage of deep sleep, where our cells produce the most growth hormone to service bones and muscles, allowing the body to repair itself.
After agriculture, the capital employed in manufactures puts into motion the greatest quantity of productive labour, and adds the greatest value to the annual produce.
This optical effect is called refraction, and it is greatest when the sun's on the horizon (and thus its light is passing through the greatest amount of air).
All this helps to ensure that the farmer is as efficient as possible so cows produce their highest amount of milk and are kept as happy and healthy as can be.
So almost by definition, government has to create the market, set the rules, enforce penalties, set a carbon cap, for example, the maximum amount a company or industry can emit.
To push yourself to the limit means that you try to do as much as you can, as much as you physically can, to do the maximum amount that is possible for you and for your body.