| 划词

This paper introduces in detail the thrust design and armored joint hydraulic test for PCCP restricted tubulation.



Hydrotest report in english for each individual line item.Such hydrotest report must be approved by applicant's shanghai office before shipment effected.



The in situ rock stress prevents the rise of confined water and water inrush for thick floor aquifuge,but for thin floor aquifuge the in situ rock stress wo.




gulp, gulper, guly, gum, gum acacia, gum arabic, gum elastic, gum resin, gumbah, gumball, Gumban, gumbo, gumboil, gum-boil, gumboot, gumboots, gumboti, gumbotil, gumbotill, gumbrine, gum-digger, gumdrop, gumlactree, gumma, gummas, gummase, gummata, gummatous, gumme, gummed, gummed label, gummeline, gummer, gummi, gummiferous, gumminess, gumming, gummite, gummose, gummosis, gummosity, gummous, gummy, gump, gumption, gumptious, gums, gumshoe, gum-solution, gumstower, gumtree, gumwater, gumwood, gun, gun barrel, gun metal, gunar, gunbarrel, gun-barrel, gunbattle, gunbearer, gunboat, guncotton, gun-cotton, guncreting, gundalow, Gundam, gundeck, gundog, gundown, gunfight, gunfighter, gunfignt, gunfire, gunflint, gunge, gung-ho, gun-harpoon, gunhouse, Gunilla, guniron, gunis, gunite, gunited, guniting, gunjack, gunjet, gunk, gunlayer, gun-layer, gunlock, gunlub, gunmaker, gunman, gunmen, gunmetal, Gunn, gunnage, Gunnar, gunned, gunnel, gunner, gunnera, Gunneraceae, gunner-commander, gunners, gunnery, gunning, gunniting, gunny, gunnybag, gunnysack, gunpaper, gunplay, gunpoint, gunport, gunpowder, Gunpowder Plot, gunprobe, gunroom, gunrunner, gunrunning, gun-running, guns, gunsel, gunship, gunshot, gunshy, gun-shy, gunsight, gunslinger, gunslinging, gunsmith, gunsmithy, gunstock, gun-swinging, gunter, Gunther, guntz, gunwale, gunyah, guoethol, gupaiite, guppie, guppy, gur, gurdwara, Gurgaon, gurge, gurgitation, gurgite, gurgle, gurglet, gurgling, gurgoyle, gurjun, gurjunene, gurk, Gurkha, Gurkhas, gurlet, Gurmukhi, gurnard, gurnet, gurney, gurry, guru, Gurumin, Gururin, Gus, gusano, Gusathion, gush, gusher, gushing, gushy, gusla, gusset, gusset plate, gusseted, Gussie, gussy, gust, Gusta, Gustaf, gustation, gustatism, gustative, gustatoreceptor, gustatorial, gustatorius, gustatory, gustatory organ, gustav, Gustave, Gustave Flaubert, Gustavian, Gustavus, Guster, gustily, gustiness, gusto, gustometer, gustometry, gustsonde, gustum, gusty, gut, gutbucket, guten, Gutenberg, gutfighter, Guthion, Guthrie, Guthrun, gutless, gutnik, guts, gutser, gutshot, gutstring, gutsy, gutta, gutta-balata, guttae, guttameter, guttapercha, gutta-percha, guttate, guttatim, guttation, gutted, gutter, gutter press, gutteral, gutterbird, guttering, gutterman, gutters, guttersnipe, gutterway, gut-tie, guttifer, Guttiferae, guttiferous, guttiform, gutting, guttle, guttler, Guttman, guttra, guttula, guttulate, guttur, guttural, gutturalism, gutturalization, gutturalize, gutturonasal, gutturophony, gutturotetany, gutty, guv, guvacine, guvacoline, guvnor, guy, guy cable, Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes Day, Guy Fawkes Night, Guyana, Guyana Dollar, Guyanan, Guyane Francaise, Guyanese, guy-derrick, Guyenne, guying, guyot, Guyver, guzzle, guzzler, GV, GV20, GVA, G-value, GVC, GVHD, GVHR, GVW, gw, Gwadar, Gwalior, GWB, gweduc, Gwen, Gwendoline, Gwendolyn, Gwent, gwine, GWR, GWT, GWTW, Gwyn, Gwynedd, Gwyneth Paltrow, gwyniad, gy, Gyani, gybe, Gyges, gym, gymbal, gymbals, gym-horse, gymkana, gymkhana, Gymnamoebida, Gymnarthridae, gymnasia, gymnasial, gymnasiarch, gymnasiast, gymnasium, gymnast, gymnastic, gymnastic apparatus, gymnastical, gymnastics, gymnasts, gymnite, Gymnoascaceae, Gymnoascus, gymnobacteria, Gymnoblastea, gymnoblastic, gymnocarp, Gymnocarpeae, gymnocarpic, gymnocarpous, gymnocephalous, Gymnocerata, Gymnocodiaceae, gymnocyst, gymnocystidean, gymnocyte, Gymnodinia, Gymnogastra, gymnogenous, Gymnogramme, Gymnolaemata, gymnoplasm, gymnoplast, Gymnopleura, gymnopodous, gymnorhinal, gymnosophist, gymnosperm, Gymnospermae, gymnospermism, gymnospermous, gymnospermy, gymnospore, Gymnostomatida, Gymnostomina, gymnostomous, gymnothecium, gymnotremoid, Gymnotus, gymnovarian, gymnure, gymp, gyms, gymslip, gyn, gynae, gynaecandrous, gynaecaner, gynaecea, gynaeceum, gynaecic, gynaecium, gynaecocracy, gynaecoid, gynaecologic, gynaecological, gynaecologist, gynaecology, gynaecomania, gynaecomastia, gynaecomorphous, gynaeolatry, gynanatomy, gynander, gynandrian, gynandrium, gynandroblastoma, gynandroid, gynandromorph, gynan-dromorph, gynandromorphism, gynandrous, gynanthropia, gynanthropus, gynarchy, gynase, gyne, gynecatoptron, gynecic, gynecium, gynecocracy, gynecogen, gynecography, gynecoiatry, gynecoid, gynecologic, gynecological, gynecologist, gynecology, gynecomania, gynecomastia, gynecomastism, gynecomasty, gynecomorphous, gynecopathy, gynecophonus, gynecophoricus, gynecotokology, gyneocracy, gyneolatry, gynephobia, gynergate, gynergon, gynergy, gynesine, gynetype, gyniatrics, gyniatry, gynic, gynium, gynobase, gynocidal, gynocracy, gynodioecious, gynoecia, gynoecium, gynoecy, gynogamon, gynogenesis, gynogenetic, gynogonidia, gynolactose, gynomerogony, gynomonoecious, gynomonoecism, gynopaedium, gynopathy, gynophore, gynoplasm, gynospore, gynostegium, gynostemium, gynozooid, gyotaku, gyp, gyplure, Gyposaurus, gypper, gyppy, gyprock, gyps, gypse, gypseous, Gypsies, gypsiferous, gypsification, Gypsisol, gypsite, gypsography, gypsoide, gypsophila, gypsophilous, gypster, gypsum, gypsum board, gypsy, gypsy cab, gypsy moth, gypsyhead, gyral, gyrase, gyrate, gyration, gyrator, gyratory, Gyratrix, Gyraulus, gyre, gyrectomy, gyrene, gyres, gyrfalcon, gyri, Gyrinidae, gyrinidone, gyro, gyro compass, gyro-antihunt, gyroaxis, gyro-axle, gyrobearing, gyrobus, gyrocar, gyrocase, gyroceracone, gyrochrome, gyroclinometer, gyrocompass, gyrocompassing, gyrocon, gyrocone, gyroconic, gyrocontrol, gyro-control, gyrocopter, Gyrocotyle, Gyrocotylidae, gyrodactyliasis, Gyrodactyloidea, gyrodine, gyrodozer, gyrodynamics, gyrodyne, gyro-effect, gyroelectric, gyrofinishing, gyroflywheel, gyrofrequency, gyro-frequency, gyrogonite, gyrograph, gyrohorizon, gyroidal, gyroinstrument, gyrojet, gyroklystron, gyrolevel, gyrolite, gyroma, gyro-mag, gyromagnetic, gyromagnetics, gyro-magnetron, gyromele, gyrometer, gyro-meter, gyro-mixer, gyromytrin, gyron, gyronny, gyro-package, gyropanel, gyropendulum, gyro-peniotron, Gyropidae, gyropilot, gyro-pilot, gyroplane, gyroplatform, gyropter, gyroradius, gyrorake, gyro-relaxation, gyrorepeater, gyroresonance, gyroroom, gyrorotor, gyro-rotor, gyrorudder, gyroscope, gyroscopic, gyroscopics, gyrose, gyrosextant, gyro-sextant, gyrosight, gyrosphere, gyrostabilization, gyrostabilized, gyrostabilizer, gyrostat, gyrostatic, gyrostatics, gyrosyn, gyrosystem, gyrotheodolite, gyro-theodolite, gyrotiller, gyrotrochoid, gyrotron, gyrotrope, gyrotropic, gyrotropy, gyro-TWA, gyrounit, gyrovague, gyrowheel, gyrus, gyttja, gyve, h, H.I.V., H.L.B., H.M., H.M.S., H/C, H2, H-5, H-6, ha, ha., HAA, haab, haaf, haar, haarder, Haarlem, HAART, Habacuc, Habakkuk, Habana, habanera, Habanero, habatsu, habdabs, Habdalah, habeas corpus, habena, habendum, habenula, habenular, Haber, Haber process, haberdash, haberdasher, haberdashery, habergeon, habijabi, habilatory, habile, habiliment, habilimentation, habilimented, habilitate, habit, habitability, habitable, habitably, habitacle, habitan, habitancy, habitant, habitat, habitate, habitation, habitats, habited, habit-forming, habitmaker, habits, habitual, habitual abortion, habitual criminal, habitually, habituate, habituation, habitude, habitue, habitué, habitus, haboob, habotai, Habronema, Habsburg, habu, habutae, habutai, HAC, hacek, hacendado, hachement, hachimycin, hachure, hachures, hacienda, haciendado, hack, hackamore, hackberry, hackbut, hackbuteer, Hackensack, hacker, hackers, hackery, hacket, hack-file, hackhammer, hackia, hackie, hacking, hacking cough, hackle, hackler, hackles, hackling, hackly, hackman, hackmanite, hackmarack, hackmatack, hackney, hackneyed, hacksaw, hackstand, hackwatch, hackwork, hacky, had, had better, Hadacidin, hadal, hadaway, hadbest, haddie, Haddingtonshire, haddock, hade, Hadean, Hadego, Hades, Hadhramautian, hadicidin, hading, hadite, hadith, hadj, hadji, Hadley, hadorwould, Hadow, hadrdmal, Hadrian, hadrodynamics, hadrogenization, hadromase, hadrome, Hadromerina, hadromycosis, hadron, hadronization, hadrosaur, hadrosaurus, HADS, hadst, HAE, haecceity, Haeckel, Haeckelian, Haeju, haem, haem-, haema-, haemachates, haemachrome, haemacytometer, haemacytometry, haemagglutinate, haemagglutination, haemagglutinin, haemaglobinometer, haemagogue, Haemagogus, haemal, Haemamoeba, haemangioma, haemanthine, Haemaphysalis, haematachometer, haematal, haematein, haematemesis, haemathermal, haematic, haematics, haematidrosis, haematimeter, haematin, haematine, haematinic, haematinometer, haematinum, haematite, haematoblast, Haematobranchia, haematocatharsis, haematocathartic, haematocele, haematochrome, haematocolpos, haematocrit, haematocryal, haematocyanin, haematocyte, haematocytozoon, haematodocha, haematogen, haematogenesis, haematogenous, haematogonium, haematoid, haematolithus, haematological, haematologist, haematology, haematolysis, haematoma, haematometer, haematophagous, haematophyte, Haematopinus, haematopoiesis, haematopoietic, haematose, haematothermal, haematothorax, haematoxylin, haematozoon, haematuria, haemic, haemin, haemo-, Haemobartonella, haemoblast, haemochrome, haemocoel, haemocoele, haemoconia, haemocyanin, haemocyte, haemocytes, haemocytoblast, haemocytolysis, haemocytometer, haemocytotripsis, Haemocytozoa, haemodialysis, haemodromometer, haemodynamic, haemodynamics, haemodynamometer, haemoflagellate, haemofuscin, Haemogamasus, haemoglobin, haemoglobinometry, haemoglobinopathy, haemoglobinuria, haemogram, Haemogregarina, haemogregarinasis, Haemogregarinidae, haemoid, haemolymph, haemolymphonodus, haemolysin, haemolysis, haemolytic, haemolyze, haemonamometer, haemonchosis, Haemonchus, haemopericardium, haemophile, haemophilia, haemophiliac, haemophilic, haemophilioid, haemophiloid, Haemophoructus, haemophotograph, haemopneumothorax, haemopoiesis, haemoptysis, haemorheology, haemorrhage, haemorrhagia, haemorrhagic fever, haemorrhoid, haemorrhoidectomy, haemorrhoidolysis, haemorrhoids, haemospasia, Haemosporidia, haemosporidium, haemostasia, haemostasis, haemostat, haemostatic, haemothorax, haemoxanthine, haemozoin, Haemozoon, Haemproteins, haeremai, haeres, HAES, haet, HAF, haff, haffet, haffir, haffit, hafiz, hafnate, hafnia, hafnifluoride, hafnium, hafnyl, haft, hafta, haftarah, haftplatte, hag, Haganah, Hagar, hagatalite, hagberry, hagborn, hagbut, hagden, hagdon, hageman factor, Hagen, Hager, hagfish, Haggada, Haggadah, haggadist, Haggai, haggard, haggardness, haggis, haggish, haggite, haggle, hagi-, hagiarchy, hagio-, hagiocracy, Hagiographa, hagiographer, hagiography, hagiolater, hagiolatrous, hagiolatry, hagiolith, hagiologist, hagiology, hagioscope, hagridden, hagride, hagseed, hag-seed, Hague, Hagupit, hagworm, hah, ha-ha, Hahn, Hahnemannian, hahnium, haick, Haida, Haidan, haidingerite, Haiduk, Haifa, Haig, haik, Haikou, haiku, haikwan, hail, hail fellow, Hail Mary, hail stone, hail storm, Hailar, hailcut, Haile Selassie, hailer, hail-fellow, hail-fellow-well-met, hailing, hailstone, hailstorm, haily, Hainan, Hainaut, Haiphong, hair, hair brush, hair cell, hair drier, hair dryer, hair follicle, hair line, hair salon, hair slide, hair spray, hair spring, hair stylist, hair tonic, hair trigger, hairball, hairbeadth, hairbeard, hairbell, hairbrained, hairbreadth, hairbrush, hairclip, hairclipper, hairclippers, haircloth, haircone, haircords, haircurling, haircut, haircuts, haircutter, hairdo, hairdos, hairdress, hairdresser, hairdressing, hairdrier, hairdryer, hairdye, haired, hair-fields, hair-follicle, Hairgrass, hairgrip, hairif, hairiness, hairlace, hairless, hairlike, hair-like, hairlike cilium, hairline, hairnet, hair-oil, hairologist, hairpencil, hairpiece, hairpin, hair-pin, hairpins, hair-powder, hairraising, hair-raising, hair-restorer, hairs, hairsbreadth, hair-scales, hair-shaped, hair-sieve, hairsplitter, hairsplitting, hair-splitting, hairspray, hairspring, hairstreak, hair-streams, hairstroke, hairstyle, hairstylist, hairtail, hairtician, hairtrigger, hair-trigger, hairwearing, hairweaving, hair-weaving, hairworm, hairy, hairy root, hairy tongue, hairy vetch, hairy-chested, Haiti, Haitian, Haitian Creole, Haitians, Haitienne, haitin, haj, haji, hajj, hajji, HAK, haka, Hakata, hake, hakea, hakeem, Hakenkreuz, hakim, Hakka, Hakkas, Hakluyt, Hakodate, Hakone, Hakucho, Hal, hal-, halacha, halachist, Halafian, halakah, halakist, halal, halala, halalah, Halaphone, Halar, halation, halavah, Halazepam, halazone, halberd, halberdier, halbert, halcinonide, Halco, Halcomb, Halcut, halcyon, Halcyone, Haldane, Haldi, hale, Haleakala National Park, Haleb, haled, haleite, haleness, haler, Hales, Haletazole, Haley, half, half a million, half an hour, half blood, half boot, half brother, half dollar, half life, half moon, half nelson, half note, half price, half sister, half sole, half step, half term, half time, half tone, half-add, half-adder, half-and-half, half-arc, halfback, half-baked, halfbeak, half-bearing, half-black, half-blindness, half-blood, half-blooded, half-boiled, half-bound, half-box, half-bred, half-breed, half-bridge, half-bright, half-broken, halfbrother, half-brother, half-bubble, half-byte, half-calf, half-card, half-care, half-carry, half-case, halfcaste, half-caste, half-cell, half-chair, half-cock, half-cocked, half-coil, half-consonant, half-convergency, halfcooked, half-cooked, half-countersunk, half-coupling, half-court, halfcracked, half-cream, half-crown, half-crystal, half-cut, half-deafness, half-desert, half-dollar, half-done, half-dozen, half-duplex, half-equation, halfer, halfevergreen, half-fat, half-finished, half-flood, half-gateway, half-graben, half-grown, half-hard, halfhardy, half-hardy, half-hatchet, half-headed, half-header, halfhearted, half-hearted, halfheartedly, half-holiday, halfhour, half-hour, halfhourly, half-hunter, half-integer, half-integral, half-landing, half-lap, half-length, half-life, half-light, halflights, halfliner, halfling, halflings, half-load, half-loaded, half-log, half-mast, half-measure, half-model, half-module, halfmoon, half-moon, halfnelson, halfnote, half-one, half-open, halfpace, half-path, half-pay, halfpence, halfpenny, halfpennyworth, half-period, half-pint, half-plane, half-plate, half-power, half-price, half-principal, half-race, half-reaction, half-retinal, half-round, half-sample, half-section, half-session, half-shadow, half-shrub, half-sib, half-siding, half-sinusoid, half-sister, half-size, half-slip, half-soiling, half-sole, half-space, half-speed, half-stuff, half-subtracter, halfsweeps, half-tap, half-term, half-thread, halftide, half-timber, half-timbered, halftime, half-time, half-timer, half-title, halftone, half-tone, half-track, half-tracked, half-truth, half-uncials, halfvolley, half-volley, half-wave, half-wavelength, halfway, halfway path, halfwidth, half-width, half-window, half-wit, half-witted, half-wool, halfword, halfy, half-yearly, halibut, halic, Halichondrida, halicole, Halictidae, halid, halide, halides, halidom, halidome, halieutic, halieutics, Halifax, Haligonian, halilith, halimasch, Halimeda, Halina, halinecline, haliotis, haliotremasis, haliplankton, Haliplidae, halistas, halisteretic, halite, Halitheriinae, halitosis, halitoxin, halitus, Haliver, haliverol, hall, Hall of Fame, hall of residence, hallachrome, hallage, hallah, hallal, hallali,


3G, 401(K), a,



They use hydraulic pressure to work their legs like pistons, catapulting up to 30 times their own body length.



Water pressure is at an astonishing 11, 000 pounds per square inch down here.

这里惊人,达每平方英寸 11000 磅。


A common cause of increased hydrostatic pressure in the lung capillaries is heart failure.



Just a heads up-- the water pressure in the shower's a little low.

提醒一下 浴室有点低。

CNN 10 学英语 2018年3月合集

The Phyn device installs on your water main and monitors your water pressure.


双语版 TED-Ed 演讲精选

They can even detect changes in water pressure produced by their neighbors using a special sensory organ.



Enough water pressure was returned earlier this month for children to go back to in-person learning.



Imagine how your ears would feel with 11 kilometres of water on top of you!

想象一下 11 公里深在您耳朵上会是什么感觉!


Not only that, but the eye was surrounded by a ring of scutes-bony plates-to protect it from the water pressure at depth.



It’s pitch black and hard to access with extremely high water pressure.

它是漆黑, 很难在极高下进入。


Water pressure's terrible in my building. She loves a good shower.

我们楼很糟糕 而她又喜欢洗个好澡。


The water pressure within the aquifer supports the soil above it which in turn supports the city above it.



The force of the water pressure crushing the bubbles generates a shockwave that stuns the shrimp's prey.



Crush depth, or collapse depth, is exactly what it sounds like- the depth at which a submarine's hull is expected to crush.



As force presses down on the arched top half of a bathysphere, the pressure is distributed equally across the entire sphere.


Scishow 精选系列

But if you raised the air pressure using a pressure cooker, it would also raise the internal water pressure needed to start boiling.



They took careful precautions while spraying down the 850-year-old Parisian monument, like using lower water pressure, and avoiding stained glass vulnerable to shattering.

他们在喷洒这座拥有 850 年历史巴黎纪念碑时采取了谨慎预防措施,例如使较低, 并避免彩色玻璃容易破碎。

CRI在线 2022年10月合集

A spokesperson for the operator says the pressure of the gas in the pipeline and of the water outside has reached equilibrium, which stopped the leak.



The disrupted water supply affected firefighters who could not efficiently  combat the inferno, although one hydrant at Church and 20th miraculously maintained enough water  pressure.

中断影响了消防员,他们无法有效地扑灭大火,尽管 Church 和 20th 一个消防栓奇迹般地保持了足够


And these receptors vibrate and when they vibrate, it tells the fish about things like water current, water pressure, as well as objects in their environment.




Halls, Hallstadt, Hallstadtan, hallstand, Hallstatt, Hallstattian, halluces, hallucinant, hallucinate, hallucination,


3G, 401(K), a,
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