" You are forcing me, Potter...I do not want to, " said Umbridge, still moving restlessly on the spot, " but sometimes circumstances justify the use..."
If they thought highly of themselves, why, the fact justified them; if they spoke, at times, as Pharisees, it was a fault of temper which carried with it no grave condemnation.
But the dissenting interests have sprung up in direct opposition to all the ordinary powers of the world, and could justify that opposition only on a strong claim to natural liberty.
Though some fraudsters are, as Mr Block points out, sociopaths who don't feel the need to justify themselves to anyone, fraud is likelier to occur if ceos feel they can justify it to themselves.
When the men whom you have repulsed justify the repulsion, your esteem and regard will be all the more sought after; you have inspired the tacit respect which raises a man among his peers.
We have an old saying: " The ends, " meaning your goals, what you are trying to achieve, " do not justify the means, " meaning the way that you try to do it.
Casaubon hated him — he knew that very well; on his first entrance he could discern a bitterness in the mouth and a venom in the glance which would almost justify declaring war in spite of past benefits.