


3. Look beyond the individual and find good people

When I ask people what they're doing about the climate crisis, they often cite virtuous lifestyle choices, such as being vegan or not flying.

Those are good things to do.

They are also relatively insignificant.

The world must change, but it won't happen because one person does or does not consume somethingand I would prefer we not imagine ourselves primarily as consumers.

I would like us to think of ourselves as citizens of the Earth, not just of the human world, but the whole living system, the biosphere.

As the citizens we have a responsibility to participate.

As citizens massed together, we have the power to affect change, and it is only on that scale that enough change can happen.

Individual choices can slowly scale up, or sometimes be catalysts, but we've run out of time for the slow.

It is not the things we refrain from doing, but those things we do passionately, and together, that will count the most.
