


Add to that the mayhem caused by fire and floods, in countries where there isn't necessarily the infrastructure to cope with these assaults.

Here, in the global north, we are also suffering droughts, dangerous heatwaves, fire, flooding and crop losses.

In the summer of 2022, UK crops of berries, peas, broad beans and salad leaves were frazzled in the heat and sun, while in winter we had a tomato shortage due to "unseasonal" snow and ice in southern Spain and Morocco.

(Yes, I know, Brexit played its part as well.) As climate scientists repeatedly say on Twitter, now X: "You ain't seen nothing yet." Most people think of the climate crisis as affecting people (and usually other people at that).

We rarely see or focus on the ecosystems that are collapsing due to global heating, the animals that live in and are a part of them, their roles in keeping those systems functioning.

On the news we see skinny polar bears clinging to ever-diminishing icebergs, but what do we see of the birds and butterflies moving north to escape the heat?

What of the bees that emerge from hibernation in unseasonably mild weather, only to be frozen to death a week later?

What of the hedgehogs that go thirsty, the baby birds that go hungry?

As the planet warms, its life systems shut down, making plant and animal (including human) existence much more difficult.

And most of us are just carrying on as if it isn't happening.
