


It is very difficult to mix the thick substance. And it is hard to get the measures right. Usually more than one person needs to help. They need patience, time, and strong arms!

However, some people are making sadza without much effort at all! They do not need much time, effort or skill! Yet the sadza is close to perfect! What is their secret? A sadza making machine - the Gwatamatic!

The Gwatamatic machine is easy to use.

You put the right amount of water into the machine. Then, you fill another part of the machine with corn meal - adding more than you need.

You set the controls of the machine. You tell it how thick you want the sadza to be. Then, the machine does the rest!

It feeds the corn meal into the water. It comes through a heated tube.

When the mixture is the right thickness, the machine stops the feed of corn.

The machine operates as a closed system. So, it uses less energy because it traps the steam.

And a closed system also means there is less chance of bacteria spreading.

In thirty minutes, the machine can make enough sadza to feed five hundred people! The Gwatamatic machine is an amazing invention.
