

第1124期 瑞安的井(4)

That day, people from many close villages came to meet Ryan.

They told him that children in the village were healthy. This was because of the clean water. Ryan could see the difference in the community.

The villagers celebrated with Ryan and his family for many hours that day. The Hreljac's returned to their home. But they did not forget the community in Uganda. Ryan understood how important the well was.

And just like before, Ryan started saving again. But this time he wanted to do even more.

In 2001, the Hreljacs decided to start an organization to provide clean water for people all around the world.

They called the organization Ryan's Well Foundation.

Ryan and his parents worked with other aid organizations.

Together, they have collected over one million dollars to provide clean water.

The organization has provided over one hundred thirty wells in nine countries in Africa and South America.

But Ryan does more than just collect money. Ryan travels around the world to tell people about the problems of unclean water.
