


Janet Campbell is the director of the Sickle Cell Society.

She agrees that it is important for people to get their blood tested.

"There are seventeen thousand five hundred [17,500] [people] in the United Kingdom with Sickle Cell, but [there is] double that number... of carriers.

You can be a silent carrier so getting tested is important.

We are encouraging people to be tested so they can look after the health of their own bodies."

Sickle Cell Anemia affects people all over the world.

It is common among people who at some time had relatives in Africa, the Caribbean, or Asia.

But it can affect anyone, no matter where they are from!

Mrs. Shasanya did not know she and her husband carried the sickle cell gene. She discovered it when doctors said that her daughter had Sickle Cell Anemia.

Now she meets many parents who have more than one child with Sickle Cell Anemia.
