

第1126期 奥运会希望(2)

People thought that this would stop Natalie from swimming. But Natalie had other ideas.

And, as soon as she could, she returned to the swimming pool.

Since that time, Natalie has been swimming with part of her left leg missing. She does not use a false leg to help her.

And she has managed to fight her way back up to the top level of competitionswimming against women who have two complete legs!

Oscar Pistorius also has part of his left leg missingand part of his right leg too!

Oscar was born with some bones missing from his legs.

This meant that his legs could not develop in the right way.

Doctors advised his parents that removing the lower parts of his legs would help the other leg bones to grow.

Oscar was only one year old when doctors operated on him.

And since that time, he has used false legs for walking and playing sport.
