


Ryan's mother said that if Ryan did extra jobs around the house, she would pay him money. He could save this money for the well.

While his brothers and friends played outside, Ryan worked hard in the house. He worked at his grandfather's house too. Ryan put all the money into a can.

He saved for months. When the money collection at school ended, Ryan had saved thirty-five [35] dollars.

But the well cost seventy [70] dollars, so Ryan continued to save.

When Ryan collected the seventy dollars, he brought it to an aid organization called WaterCan.

The people at WaterCan knew how hard Ryan had worked. They were very happy to receive the money.

But they told Ryan that seventy dollars could only buy a water pump. A well would cost two thousand dollars.

The Canadian International Development Agency gives two dollars for every dollar WaterCan receives.

Ryan had to collect around seven hundred dollars to get enough money for a well. He knew that this was a lot of money. But Ryan decided to do his best and keep saving. Ryan continued to work around the house.

Ryan's mother was very happy about her son's hard work. She told her friends and family about it.
