

第1127期 奥运会希望(3)

Both Natalie and Oscar dream of being the best in the world at their sport.

And for them, this means competing against the best swimmers and runners.

This summer, Natalie and Oscar will compete in the Paralympic Games. These games are for disabled sports people.

And they take place three weeks after the Olympic Games.

Both Natalie and Oscar expect to win their races at the Paralympics.

However, they want more. Natalie and Oscar also want to compete against ablebodied sports people!

And both have asked the world sporting authorities to permit them to compete in the Olympics as well.

There is good news for Natalie! Her Olympic dream is about to come true! She does not use any aids to help her swim.

So, the authorities permitted her to try and reach the level needed to compete in the Olympics.

Natalie managed to achieve this level at a competition in May!
