


There are always times when you think it will not work.

This is especially true when you meet people who are negative. You doubt. And you question if you are wasting your time.

But then, I said, "what is the worst that can happen? I fail. " If I do not do anything then I will fail anyway.'

So how did William stay encouraged in the difficult times?

How did he continue believing that he would not fail?

He says his faith made him strong: 'I centre on the Lord Jesus Christ, when you know HE is in charge, you know, no problem is greater than him.

This knowledge keeps me going - without it I would have given up.

God intervened at the times when I did not expect it - and he saved the day!'

So what advice does William have for hopeful business men and women?

'You need persistence. Everyone gets good ideas, the difference is persistence.'
