

艺术家对 AI 抄袭的反击(4)Inside the Race to Protect Artists from Artificial Intelligence

And if nothing else, it's just very satisfying.

Yeah, it's catharsis at some baseline level.

Yeah, so it sounds like the idea is to kind of even out the power differential between AI developers and artists, is that right?

Yeah, these tools, they definitely tip the balance a little bit, but they're certainly not a complete solutionthey're more like a stop gap.

For one, artists can't retroactively protect any art that's already been hoovered up into AI training datasets, they can only apply these tools to newer work.

Plus, AI technology is advancing super super fast.

I spoke with some AI experts who were quick to point out that neither Glaze nor Nightshade are future proof.

They could be compromised moving forward.

AI models could just change into things that have different structure and architecture.

Already, one group of machine learning academics has partially succeeded at getting around the Glaze cloak.
