


The widows feel great shame. They know everyone in their village sees them differently. So they often move to big cities like Kabul. Here they look for jobs.

Some carry building materials all day long. The work is very hard. Other widows find jobs such as washing clothes. And some work in bakeries making bread.

But many are forced to sit on the streets begging for money. Their faces are covered. They hold their hands out. They only make enough to buy bread.

And their whole diet often consists of bread and tea.

When widows move to cities, they find shelter in buildings that have been left empty. They have no heat, no water, no electricity.

In winter the temperature can drop to seventeen [17] degrees Celsius below zero.

Many of these buildings belong to men who fled to Pakistan and Iran.

But some owners are returning to Afghanistan and claiming their property.

So the widows living there will have nowhere to go.

Sometimes the widows' problems seem impossible to solve.
