

可怕的麻疹回来了?(2)Measles Is Back, and That Is Scary

We've had the measles vaccine for about 70 years, and now most kids get it as a combination, measles-mumps-rubella, or MMR.

You get one shot when you're about a year old, and the second shot at four to six years oldbefore kids start school.

And it works incredibly well.

It does. Two shots are 97 percent effective at preventing measles.

Plus these shots are safe.

The most common side effect, in about one in 3000 kids, is a short fever that resolves on its own.

Now, years ago, there was this BS idea that measles shots somehow triggered autism.

Yeah, and let's be clear: There's absolutely no link between the MMR vaccines and autism.

A single fraudulent study claimed that there was, but it was debunked years ago.

Many other studies have searched for a connection and failed to find one.
