


Good to see you, Officer. What can I do for you? What's going on? Was the music too loud? We were having a celebration.

Miss, I need you to button your blouse. I can tell them to turn the music down. That's not mine. Okay, we're gonna need identification. Keep your hands where we can see them. Oh, my God.

You got anything else in your pockets I should know about? No, sir. No. Don't be stupid, now. I don't, I don't. What's this? That's an EpiPen.

And this? That's my inhaler. How old are you? Twenty-one. Twenty-one. Twenty-one. I'm 21. Lying only makes it worse. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have lied.

Hello. Listen, something's happened. Shit. No, it's all right. It's gonna be all right. I posted bond, and I wasn't doing anything. I mean, I've got allergies. Interns.

It was just a party. This is gonna be news, Sean. It's gonna be online any second. I know. You know with an intern. No, it's cool. I have it under control. I will get it under control.

I will call someoneand see what the next move is. But this is gonna be news now. You don't think Wardowas involved, do you? I mean, do you think. No. Or Manningham. One of them.

Somebody. Somebody sent the cokein there, because it got in there. You believe me. God, this is gonna be fine.
