Colour & Color - Why two spellings?


Colour, color, colour, colour, colour, color.

One word: two spellings.

One that's used in American English and the other that's used in British English and basically all the others.

But why?

Well to answer that we have to go back to olden times to 18th century Britain, before they decided how the heck you're supposed to spell things.

Back then, you could write colour as color, culoure, colur, or even coolor.

But by the time Samuel Johnson came to writing his famous dictionary, we'd settled on the spelling that we used today.

That was in 1755.

Half a century later in the United States of America, fellow stern-faced dictionary peddler Noah Webster was coming up with a shiny new version of English to go with his shiny new nation that had just become independent from Britain.

When he wrote his Compendious Dictionary of the English Language he made lots of little tweaks to make American English different to British English.
