ES6 Tutorial: Learn Modern JavaScript in 1 Hour


In order to build applications with react, you should have at least three months of experience programming in JavaScript.

So in this section, I'm going to cover the essential JavaScript features that you're going to use a lot in react applications, such as let versus const keywords, objects that this keyword and how it behaves differently, arrow functions, object destructuring, the spread operator, classes and modules.

Make sure you know all Fortunately, there are a lot of developers out there in the industry who can build applications with Angular, React, and all kinds of fancy frameworks, but they cannot solve simple programming problems.

Because they are self-taught programmers, they have never attended a college or university, they never learned the fundamentals of computer science and software engineering.

And that's why I've designed this course.

The focus of the second course is on more advanced topics such as constructor functions, Objects prototypes inheritance polymorphism classes and more.

All right, that's enough introduction.

Now, let's get started To demonstrate the modern JavaScript features, I'm gonna use a brand new react project So in this project, let's open up index.

js and delete all the code here and Focus on plain vanilla JavaScript.

So the first thing we're going to look at are the new keywords for defining variables and constants So let's define a function Call it say hello Here, I'm going to define a loop.
