《沙丘》如何复制古代建筑 How 'Dune' Replicated Real-Life Ancient Architecture | Architectural Digest



The fictional planet "Dune" is so incredibly hot that it can reach 160 degrees during the day, and where water is so scarce that it can be measured in human lives.

Each one of these drinks every day the equivalent of five men, 20 palm trees, 100 lives.

Hi, I'm Michael Wyetzner, and I've been an architect for over 35 years.

Today we're going to explore how the architecture of "Dune" teaches us the difference between adapting to an environment and just surviving it.

"Dune" mostly takes place on the desert planet of Arrakis, and on this planet, there is a little mouse who has adapted to the extreme conditions of the desert.

In the world of "Dune," that mouse is called Muad'Dib, and there are a few interesting notes about that name.

It actually comes from the Arabic word for a tutor or teacher.

It's also the chosen common name of Paul Atreides, which shows us that he intends to learn from the desert and not impose his ways upon it.

So first, let's take a look at Arrakeen, and it is clear from the scale of this building that it is not here to make friends; it is here to dominate.

In the book, it is described as the largest structure ever built by man, which is obviously inspired by the pyramids of Giza, which was like the largest building in the world for like 3,800 years.
