耶鲁大学校长2024开学演讲 Yale College Opening Assembly President's Address 2024


美东时间8月19日,耶鲁大学举行了开学典礼。作为耶鲁大学的新任校长,Maurie McInnis发表了她上任以来的首个开学演讲。她向同学们强调了社区的力量与重要性。她提到:“在这个世界上,似乎总是有一股巨大的力量让我们诋毁他人,让我们分裂,让我们只去关注让自己与众不同的地方;但在耶鲁,我们希望能够更加关注我们作为一个共同体而共通的东西。”

Good morning, everyone.

I am delighted to join Dean Lewis, Provost Strobel, and so many of my distinguished colleagues from across the university in welcoming you to Yale.

This is a big moment for both of us.

As you get introduced to campus, after nearly 30 years, I am so thrilled to be returning to it in my new role as president.

What a wonderful way for us to begin afresh together.

I would also like to acknowledge your loved ones, family members, friends, and supporters in attendance.

To all the parents here today, I can imagine the mixed emotions you may be feeling at this moment.

Having dropped off my second, and last to leave the nest, only two years ago, I remember well the immense feeling of pride mingled with sadness for how much I was going to miss her.

So I want to thank you for entrusting your children to Yale.

Students, over the coming weeks, you may find yourself marveling at the beauty of this campus. I know I did.
