为什么蚊子爱咬你 Why You're A Mosquito Magnet



Please don't feel singled out, special, or view yourself as a chosen one.

She bites everyone.

This is just the inherent nature of the beast.

There is absolutely no truth to the persistent myths that mosquitoes fancy females over males, that they prefer blondes and redheads over those with darker hair, or that the darker or more leathery your skin, the safer you are from her bite.

It is true, however, that she does play favorites and feasts on some more than others.

Blood type O seems to be the vintage of choice over types A and B or their blend.

People with blood type O get bitten twice as often as those with type A, with type B falling somewhere in between.

Disney-Pixar must have done their homework when portraying a tipsy mosquito ordering a Bloody Mary, O-positive in the 1998 movie "A Bug's Life."

Those who have higher natural levels of certain chemicals in their skin, particularly lactic acid, also seem to be more attractive.

From these elements, she can analyze which blood type you are.
