Ten Fascinating Facts About the Lewis and Clark Expedition


Just one year after Napoleon sold the  Louisianna Territory to the United States, a military expedition led by Captain Meriwether  Lewis and Lieutenant William Clark set out to explore the land previously uncharted by  Europeans.

The trip lasted two years, four months, and ten days, and many in the newly forming  United States had thought the men died on their journey.

Keep watching to learn more fascinating  facts about the Lewis and Clark Expedition.


Jefferson thought they might  encounter woolly mammoths.

Thomas Jefferson was pretty obsessed with  mammoths.

He may have been interested in discovering that it was actually the American  mastodonthe mammoth's northern cousinthat he enjoyed waxing lyrical about, but, at the timethey were internationally recognized as mammoths.

He collected fossils and asked his friends to  mail him any mammoth teeth they came across, and he was absolutely convinced that these huge  furry elephants still roamed North America.

His fascination had started when a seven-foot  mammoth tusk, along with a huge jawbone, was found.

Jefferson saw these  massive beasts as a symbol of the strength of his newly emerging nation.
