比尔·盖茨2023年度推荐 Great books, videos, and music from 2023



I'm looking forward to the holidays this year.

I'm not only recommending some books, but other things as well.

I was lucky to get an advanced copy of "Not the End of the World" by Hannah Richie.

Her book combines two important discussions that need to be considered together, but haven't been.

She zooms out to not just look at health improvement, but to look at improvements to the environment.

And in no way does she downplay the urgency of solving climate change and other environmental issues.

The overall picture she paints is, the world is getting a lot better, the world still has a lot of very bad stuff we shouldn't accept, and we need to be very focused and prioritize funding and innovation and delivery to get improvements out to everyone in the world.

"The Song of the Cell", by Siddhartha Mukherjee is an important book.

I think it's great for people to have a sense of biology because the world of medicine is moving very quickly.

All of us get sick.
