芬兰神话之三宝磨的故事 Ilmarinen & the Sampo: Can't Forge Love - Finnish Myth


We open today's tale with Ilmarinen, the smith god of Finnish mythology, being blown across the night sky by the wind.

He hadn't intended this, mind you rather he had fallen victim to a very simple plot. I mean, could it happen to anyone really.

You see, the wind had plucked him up from the top of a tree planted by his wizard brother Vinymonin, which was so tall that you could collect actual stars from the sky.

Vinymonen had lured his brother to this tree top with the promise that he could collect the aforementioned starlight, and that's where he sprung his wind trap.

For he needed Ilmarinen to settle a debt for him in the northern lands of Pahela, where the winds would send him.

Because it turned out when the wizard himself had been up north in search of a wife, he got captured by the evil witch Lolhi, who was looking for someone to build her the legendary Sampo.

Unfortunately, Vinymonin was no smith, but his brother was.

So the wizard promised that if he was freed he would send Ilmarinen to complete the task to sweeten the pot.

Lauhi offered a marriage between her beautiful daughter, the Rainbow Maiden to whomever could build the sombo, and then she let Vinimonen go to fetch a smith brother by any means necessary.

And since Il Marinen wasn't interested in his brother's tall tales of beautiful shiny maidens, turns out the any means necessary was in fact a super tall tree magic wind trap.
