Freedom of Choice - Mind Field (Ep 5)


Ah, nothing like bacon and eggs in the morning.

It's a hearty meal that holds you together for the whole day.

It's a combination so obvious that it's been around for as long as both foods existed.

Humans naturally loved these foods together, so they became a staple of breakfast.

Or did they?

What if I were to tell you that the traditional combination of bacon and eggs isn't part of our natural history, but is instead a corporate conspiracy orchestrated by society's true puppet masters?

It isn't a breakfast for champions.

It's a breakfast for sheeple.

We think that a lot of commonplace things are the way they are because of collective free choice, when in fact, sometimes, one or two people alone made a decision and created something that is now taken for granted as part of society-- just part of life.

Here's the real story behind bacon and eggs.
