啪姐(Dua Lipa)在皇家阿尔伯特音乐厅献唱自己的代表作《Training Season》。啪姐一袭红裙现身舞台中央惊艳四座,交响乐伴奏大气恢弘,间奏直接点燃全场,看过现场的观众太幸福啦!
Are you someone that I could give my heart to?
Or just the poison that I'm drawn to?
还是说 你只是令我欲罢不能的毒药
It can be hard to tell the difference late at night
可惜到了深夜 我根本无法分清
Play fair is that a compass in your nature?
实事求是 是刻在你骨子里的恋爱准则吗
Or are you tricky 'cause I been there
还是说 你会因为我久经情场 而耍花招
And baby I don't need to learn that lesson twice
But if you really wanna go there
You should know I
Need someone to hold me close
Deeper than I've ever known