嘎勒群岛 —— 2021 年最佳旅行地 Gullah Islands_ Best in Travel 2021 Under-Explored History


So the first time most people even encounter Gullah as a word or Gichi is because they hit one of us.

And they're like, whoa, what's that?

You know, and they find it interesting.

Well, Gullah is our language.

Gichi is essentially a dialect of the Gullah language that grew out of Gullah-speaking people talking to people who speak American English for the most part and Elizabethan English.

So i'm actually a head of state and a queen mother.

So I'm a spiritual leader and a political leader for the Gullah Gichi people and this is my third term.

We have our own constitution.

We have our own flag.

Where our culture actually emerged from the soil or the sea islands between Jacksonville North Carolina and Jacksonville Florida.
