Once upon a time, in a quiet mountain village lived a humble stonecutter named Taro. Every day, Taro would shape rocks into bricks and tiles.
He was content with his simple life and found joy in his craft. One day, a group of wealthy merchants passed by.
Envious of these people, who seemed much better off than him, Taro wished to be like them. His wish swiftly came true to his surprise, so he became a wealthy merchant.
Yet, soon he realized his newly acquired material wealth wasn't enough. He wasn't happy. Desiring more, he wished to become a powerful prince.
Again, his wish was granted, but he didn't find satisfaction in his new position.
In perpetual discontent, Taro wished to become the sun unaffected by the heat, then clouds undaunted by the sun, and finally a mighty mountain that withstands wind and rain from the clouds.
But soon enough, a stone-cutter started chipping away at him and he realized that even mountains could be diminished, and no amount of power could make him untouched by fate.
His tiring, complicated pursuit of satisfying all these desires got him nowhere. And so, he wished to revert to his simple existence as a stone-cutter.
Simplicity is the quality of being uncomplicated, which is beneficial in many areas.
By being simple, whether in our thinking, desires, or how we arrange our stuff and furnish our living spaces, we can declutter our minds and focus on what truly matters-leading to clarity, peace, and fulfillment in our lives.