学习英语中常用的十大缩写 Learn the Top 10 Contractions You Should Be Using in English


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Hi, everybody, My name is Alisha. Welcome back to top words. In this lesson, we're going to talk about 10 contractions you should be using.

I recommend these because if you don't use the contracted forms of these words, you might sound a little stiff.

So to sound a little more natural, these are some good contractions for you to use. Let's go. dunno, the first contraction is dunno. So dunno is a very casual contraction.

It's not really like an official contraction I suppose. You can write it d-u-n-n-o but it means don't know. I don't know sounds kind of stiff. I don't know. I do not know.

But I dunno, it sounds much better. Native speakers usually say dunno instead of don't know or do not know. Dunno in a sentence: I dunno, what do you wanna do?

Wanna, the next expression is wanna, wanna. So I used wanna in the previous example sentence when I said I dunno, what do you wanna do.

Wanna is the again casual contraction of want to. I want to do something. I don't want to do something. Want to becomes wanna in the kind of contracted form in speaking.

Keep in mind that although we can use wanna in like casual text, it's typically better to use want to in more formal text. In a sentence: What do you wanna do this weekend?
