摩天大楼能屹立多久?How Long Will Skyscrapers Last?



The supertall skyscraper is just a few years away from its one hundredth birthdaythat's a pretty big deal.

In 1928 work began on the Chrysler Building. It was the first manmade structure to soar more than 300 metres into the sky and claim "supertall" status.

Since its construction more than 170 supertalls have risen across the world (source) – and there are currently well over 100 more under construction.

Now, we are finally beginning to see how these massive structures will eventually age.

It's easy to forget when looking at such monoliths that buildings are not permanent things.

After all, how many 200 or 300 year old buildings do you know that are currently still standing, and being occupied?

The list isn't that long.

Skyscrapers, like every other building, have a shelf life.

And as we build more and more of these massive structures it's worth asking how long that shelf life actually is.

We already have some very tall, very old buildings that have stood for centuries.
