5种用英文思考的方法 5 Ways to THINK IN ENGLISH | Stop Translating in Your Head



Hi, everyone, welcome back to English with Max.

Today, I'm going to give you 5 techniques that you can use to practice thinking in English.

Okay, so, thinking in English.

Why is it important to think in English?

Well, basically, because it can help you to stop translating so much in your head, which can help all of your English skills, but especially your speaking.

Things will just be easier and faster if you don't translate so much.

That doesn't mean you have to be thinking in English a hundred percent of the time.

That's very unrealistic, particularly if it's not the only language you speak.

But the more you practice, the easier it becomes.

I'd also like to say that unlike a lot of teachers, I'm not going to tell you to only use an English monolingual dictionary.
