

Akash Manoj: A life-saving device that detects silent heart attacks

When I was 13, I lost my grandfather to a silent heart attack.

What happened to be more shocking was that at 75, grandpa was really normal, healthy and energetic,

but he was diabetic. Learning all of this was so painful

that I decided to go out on a war against this deadly killer and see what could be done.

It was shocking to discover the results of recent studies that have shown an estimate of nearly eight million people

who die from heart attacks every year. Heart attacks occur for many reasons,

but most often, they occur when arteries get clogged, blood flow is cut off

and oxygen-starved cells in the heart muscles start to die. You may know the common symptoms of a heart attack:

chest pain, arm pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, et cetera ... but there is a type of heart attack that is quite common,

just as deadly, but harder to detect because the symptoms are silent.
