希腊神话:爱上了雕像的男人 Pygmalion: Love Can Be Hard - Greek Mythology


We all know that love can be complicated right? Well, that went double in ancient Greece because the gods were a really fickle bunch with motives ranging from jealousy to boredom, not to mention Cupid just zipping around shooting people with a bow for fun.

These nosy deities seem to like nothing more than to interfere with the lives of Mortals.

At any moment the gods could strike you and you would find yourself smitten, but to who or even to what could be quite up in the air.

And today's campfire tale involves one of those strange divine love connections between the sculptor Pygmalion and his statue, giving new credence to the phrase finding love is really hard.

It all started with the biggest scandal ever to hit Cyprus. See down at the docks, right?

There were these women who get this would have sex for money. I know.

I mean that has never happened in the history of the world like literally right?

Well, according to this Greek myth, these were the first prostitutes ever.

So the great king and sculptor Pygmalion went to see them for research, of course.

I mean after all, he was a man of high moral standing, but when he arrived what he saw shook him to the core, see, Pygmalion was a virgin and sex. Well, it was not like what he imagined.
