林俊杰JJ Lin x 孙燕姿 Sun Yanzi《Stay With You》


年初林俊杰因有感疫情造成世界剧变,与孙燕姿携手写下《Stay With You》,激励不少前线的工作人员们。而《Stay With You》英文版也因新加坡建国55周年随之催生!疫情影响着全世界,除了致敬所有前线人员以外,两人也希望能够藉由音乐的力量带给大家更多正能量。

Just the other day I heard your voices right by here

Maybe it's all in my head but still I feel you near

All the memories of your faces

Seem like days of yore

And if the walls are closing in

We'll find a window deep within

I'll stay with you

Till the rays come through

Till we find a way and we'd say

Look what time has held true
